You can make a difference

At Codam, we believe in the power of social mobility through education. Our unique peer-to-peer learning model empowers students to become skilled software engineers, regardless of their background or financial means.

However, we cannot achieve this mission alone. We rely on the generous support of individuals and organisations like yours to ensure that every student has the opportunity to pursue a career in tech.

Help us to continue to provide tuition-free, high-quality, innovative, and accessible tech education.

Make a donation

What students say

I can’t apply for a student travel product. Fortunately, Codam pays for my travel expenses via the Student Assistance Program. Now I am able to be present at school every day of the week. This way, I can keep up with my peers and that's a huge relief.

Swenne Codam student

The Codam Student Assistance Program allowed me to focus more of my attention towards studying. Before benefiting from the program, I had to work three days a week. Now, I can work less and spend more time on coding.

Rares Codam student

Why donate

Your donation plays a crucial role in empowering talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their passion for programming and embark on rewarding careers in the tech industry.

Empower future talent

Your donation ensures that talented individuals, including women, young adults without qualifications, and refugees, can get promising careers in the ever-evolving tech industry.

Invest in diversity

By supporting Codam, you contribute to fostering a diverse and inclusive tech community by fostering an environment where women, youth from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and neurodiverse individuals have the opportunity to thrive.

Sustain innovation

Your contribution helps sustain the operational costs of running our innovative learning environment. From maintaining our state-of-the-art facilities to continually improving our curriculum, your support fuels the engine of innovation at Codam.

Message from the founder

When I founded Codam, my vision was crystal clear: to disrupt education by offering a high-quality alternative for those who cannot afford it or don't fit into traditional systems.

Now, after five years of proving that the model works,I would like to invite like-minded organisations to join me in financially supporting Codam and its mission of democratising access to quality tech.

Corinne Vigreux Founder, Codam & Co-founder, TomTom

Partners of Codam

Organisations like Adyen, Exact Foundation, Sofronie Foundation, and The Student Experience have already taken the lead. For example, Adyen provides scholarships for female students, and the Exact Foundation collaborates with Codam to create equal opportunities in the tech sector.

Join us in running our innovative educational programs. A partnership with Codam not only demonstrates corporate responsibility but also strengthens your connection with the thriving tech community.

To discuss further opportunities how your organisation can contribute to Codam, please contact:

Victoria Ous

Head of Partnerships

Contact Victoria

A company testimonial

Alexander Matthey, the CTO at Adyen, considers it important for Adyen to have a positive impact on society. Adyen employs several Codam students as backend engineers. The teaching method of Codam aligns well with Adyen's approach, where the focus is on the problem rather than the solution. Additionally, Adyen also offers scholarships to Codam students to remove any financial barriers to education.

The video includes English subtitles.

Codam's commitment to Sustainable Development Goals

By embedding the SDGs into our mission, Codam strives to be a catalyst for positive change. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable future.


  • Yes, you can. Stichting Codam has a ANBI status. This allows private donors and companies to deduct donations from income tax under certain conditions. Let us know if you would like to take advantage of this by sending an email to We will then arrange the necessary paperwork.